Thursday, December 15, 2011


Random post ahead. This is what you would've been reading the whole autumn if I wasn't lazy .

I am the master when it comes to using this word. Stuff. Stuff is always happening in my life. Stuff and things that I can’t explain and to tell you the truth; not even that interested. Things and stuff just happen and it’s funny.
I observe random stuff. I amuse myself with these random happenings and feel extrahappy about them… Random stuff I like to call it. Especially things that happen while I’m on the train, walking around or just cycling somewhere. Or when I’m at a store , again seeing things I have no idea what they are/thinking this only happens in movies and animu.
Things I notice interest me.  Things I don’t usually just… are there. Or I am funnily confused about something. Especially when it comes to food.
The amount of different snacks (salty=shoppai/karai or sweet=amai), drinks are just mindblowing. And all the chocolates, ice creams... Sheesh, maybe I gotta make a post about them too.
In our school shop, they have this weird drink as strawberry, tutti frutti and banana flavours. I don't know what it is and I don't care to find out.

Does it make me observative or just quirky when I see these things and I go all C:: ? Or shallow... I don't know. That's the thing. There's a lot of stuff. Most of it horribly and cutely useless. Here I've seen those plastic cases that are made for bananas. You know... because black, bruised bananas are bad (writing that made me horribly racist, I know). Also a plastic case made PURELY to protect your eggs. That you buy from the grocery store.
Because it's so hard to resist that urge to put them on the bottom of your shopping bag.
 Purely first world problems... Or not even those to my opinion, just silly consumerism.
In Japan there's a lot of stuff (see, stuff!!!) that... just should not be. To my opinion. Yeahyeah, I'm a designer and I should come up with stuff that people would buy/get somehow to... Esh. I'll probably become part of this horrible -"ism" at some point and I just have to accept it.

You see, this short post was about stuff again... Wait for more later.

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